When I use SQlite to create a test.db file with the same sensor table and sensor info and I change the DataSourceName to the one specified in the example I get “An internal error has occurred”. Not really an helpful error message.
Where should I place the file test.db to be accessible to influx? the DataSourceName is relative to which path? I tried changing everything I could in dataSourceName without success.
How could I have access to more Influx beta logs? Maybe there is something there.
I am using InfluxDB 2.0 Beta 6 where influxd is located at /usr/local/bin/
That is unfortunate. Thanks for your time and the video. It was interesting to see that you attempted all I tried (and more). In my understanding, having no access to disk is a design choice and thus I should not have hope for this feature to be added in the future. Am I correct? Maybe I better rely on PostgreSQL.