Pivot / Inconsistency with boolean values / FLUX

Hi I have a problem with flux I can’t seem to solve.

I have a set of data of an experiment which i want to pivot around a specific value:

|> range(start: -200d)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == “MessageLog” and
r.experimentId == “1040” and
r.messagetype == “vr.progress”)
|> pivot(
columnKey: [“_field”],
valueColumn: “_value”
|> filter(fn: (r) => r.sequence_name == “Sequence3”)
|> sort(columns: [“_time”], desc: true)

For the now created column the value of the bool “repetition_result2_success” should be true but returns false (not gonna paste it as it is a line with 97 values)

I have double checked this with influxQL and a seperate flux statement, which confirms, that the value is, in fact, true.

Interestingly, I use the same statement above for other datatypes as and these values seem to be correct, it only occurs with boolean values.

I essentially want the following statement from influxQL, only in FLUX:

select * from cobotdb.autogen.MessageLog where “experimentId” = ‘1040’ and “messagetype” = ‘vr.progress’

This statement works correctly, the flux equivalent does not. Did I do something wrong here?

I use the c# API (GitHub - influxdata/influxdb-client-csharp: InfluxDB 2.x C# Client) with Influx 1.81

Thanks, Julian

Hello @fenceperson,
I’m sorry, I’m confused about what you’re problem is/what you’re trying to achieve.
Specifically this confuses me:

For the now created column the value of the bool “repetition_result2_success” should be true but returns false (not gonna paste it as it is a line with 97 values)

I have double checked this with influxQL and a seperate flux statement, which confirms, that the value is, in fact, true.

The Flux equivalent of

select * from cobotdb.autogen.MessageLog where “experimentId” = ‘1040’ and “messagetype” = ‘vr.progress’

from(bucket: “cobotdb:)
|> range(start:-1d)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r[”_measurement"] == “MessageLog” and r.experimentId == “1040” and
r.messagetype == “vr.progress”)

As you have. 
What error do you get with that Flux query? 

You're using the C# client for what? To execute your InfluxQL? 

Is there anyway you can share some input data and your expected output?