not sure how extreme is what I wanted to set up, but I was thinking to use the aggregator in telegraf to have a downsampling (basicstats maybe mean only). It would simplify a lot the whole downsampling+retention policy configs in my opinion. The problem is the aggregator does not seem to support a retention_policy override.
Any suggestions? Is it really a missing feature or I am misusing this.
The basic strategy would be to use the metric filtering options to route the aggregate metrics to a second influxdb output. The tag can then be removed before sending.
urls = ["http://influxdb.example.com"]
retention_policy = "default"
rp = ["aggregate"]
urls = ["http://influxdb.example.com"]
retention_policy = "aggregate"
tagexclude = ["rp"]
rp = ["aggregate"]
rp = "aggregate"
@daniel I tried it out, and probably this is the expected behaviour but it is against what I wanted to do.
I have this config:
interval = "10s"
urls = ["http://influxdb:8086"]
retention_policy = "default"
rp = ["aggregate"]
urls = ["http://influxdb:8086"]
retention_policy = "aggregate"
tagexclude = ["rp"]
rp = ["aggregate"]
period = "1m"
stats = ["mean"]
rp = "aggregate"
I see two unexpected things:
the aggregator fields are present in the default retention policy, with value in every minute
in the aggregate retention policy I see all the data what is in default + in every minute the aggregation. This is the bigger problem, I only want to see the aggregated data otherwise I do not gain much with this setup. I cannot use drop_original because then I will not have any data in the default retention policy.
At this point I was thinking to use fieldpass and fielddrop in the two outputs: