Hi all,
thanks in advance for your help. Please have patience, it’s my first post.
I try to execute some tests with Telegraf and the opcua_listener plugin.The overall plan is to collect data from an opcua server with telegraf and put it to an InfluxDB. The basic setup is working fine but I am having some troubles with the subscription interval. The node on the opcua I want to collect gets updated every 50 ms (its value is just incremented every 50 ms). However, telegraf receives a data change notification only every second. Therefore, I am loosing a lot of values. Here are some logs from telegraf:
Is it even possible to receive values in such a high frequency? If yes, what might be the reason why it is not working for me?
My actual setup is:
- Telegraf v1.27.2 official docker image running in local k8s cluster using rancher desktop
- Automation Studio simulation with opcua server running on local host
- relevant parts of telegraf.conf:
interval = "10s"
round_interval = true
metric_batch_size = 1000
metric_buffer_limit = 10000
collection_jitter = "0s"
flush_interval = "10s"
flush_jitter = "0s"
precision = ""
name = "opcua_listener"
endpoint = "opc.tcp://host.docker.internal:4840/opcua"
connect_timeout = "10s"
request_timeout = "5s"
subscription_interval = "50ms"
timestamp = "source"
name = "LoadTest"
namespace = "6"
identifier_type = "s"
nodes = [
{name="LoadTest", identifier="::LoadTest:LoadTest"},