Not able to add a new series from mqtt

So, I have successfully been running TIG to collect some climate data from Tasmota devices. All has been good. Running Telegraf 1.13.2-1 on Ubuntu

Said Tasmota devices sends data in the following form

  "Time" : "2020-01-27T06:38:05",
  "AM2301" : {
    "Temperature" : 17.7,
    "Humidity" : 51.3
  "TempUnit" : "C"

The publish to the topic “tele/+/SENSOR”, and i see good stuff in my database

> show series on telegraf

> select * from mqtt_consumer limit 10
name: mqtt_consumer
time                AM2301_Humidity AM2301_Temperature SI7021_Humidity SI7021_Temperature host     topic
----                --------------- ------------------ --------------- ------------------ ----     -----
82000000000         57.4            18.4                                                  server01 tele/Klimatsensor_Verkstad/SENSOR
392000000000        56.3            18                                                    server01 tele/Klimatsensor_Verkstad/SENSOR
1562523952000000000 93              13.1                                                  server01 tele/Klimatsensor_Street01Lagt/SENSOR

Soo, i thought i would be clever and use the same database for a NON tasmota sensor, which published messages in the form of

  "Time" : "2020-01-27T06:40:10",
  "SEN0232" : {
    "SoundLevel" : 47.14285714
  "SoundLevelUnit" : "dBA"

to the topic dBA/Dansgolv

To me, these seem pretty much the same as the ones from Tasmota. But they do not make it into the database for some reason that baffels me. I thought i would see SEN0232_SoundLevel in my database. But no…

At the bottom of this post is my telegraf config before adding the new sensors. After adding the new sensors i changed my topics, and restarted telegraf.

I feel I must be missing something very silly, and very fundamental… But what?

j2@server01:/etc/telegraf# sudo cat /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf | grep '^[[:blank:]]*[^[:blank:]#;]'
  interval = "10s"
  round_interval = true
  metric_batch_size = 1000
  metric_buffer_limit = 10000
  collection_jitter = "0s"
  flush_interval = "10s"
  flush_jitter = "0s"
  precision = ""
   debug = true
   quiet = false
   logfile = "/tmp/telegraf.log"
   logfile_rotation_interval = "1d"
   logfile_rotation_max_size = "50MB"
   logfile_rotation_max_archives = 5
  hostname = ""
  omit_hostname = false
  urls = [""]
   database = "telegraf"
  username = "redacted"
  password = "redacted"
   files = ["stdout", "/tmp/metrics.out"]
   rotation_interval = "1d"
rotation_max_archives = 60
   data_format = "influx"
   servers = ["tcp://localhost:1883"]
   qos = 2
   topics = [
   persistent_session = true
client_id = "server01"
username = "redacted"
password = "redacted"
   data_format = "json"
json_time_key = "Time"
json_time_format ="2006-01-02T15:04:05"

After adding the new sensors. my topics are as follows. (Again, i DID restart telegraf after making the change)

 topics = [

Soo, after posting this, I had an idea and just changed the MQTT topic of this sensor to tele/LjudsensorDansgolv/SENSOR

And now the data IS picked up as i expected… Now i am really confused.

Why didnt this work by adding the second topic to my config?