Hi team
i have set telegraf conf to get metrics for python app, see below the telegraf conf . It works fine .
files = ["probesso.log"]
from_beginning = false
grok_patterns = ["%{PROBESSO_LOG}"]
grok_custom_patterns = '''
PROBESSO_LOG Timestamp=\"%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:time}\" TraceId=\"%{DATA:Trace_Id}\" ProbeName=\"%{DATA:Probe_Name}\" LogType=\"%{DATA:LogType:tag}\" MessType=\"%{DATA:Message_type:tag}\" ProcTime=\"%{NUMBER:Proc_time}\"
name_override = "sso_queries_log"
data_format = "grok"
here the grafana query
From influxdb no rows returnd when i set the time condition
SELECT count("Message_type") FROM "sso_queries_log" WHERE ("host" = 'host.sso' AND "Message_type" = 'Meters_to_Login') AND time >= now() -3h GROUP BY time(1h) fill(null) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 20
Any suggestions ?
It works fine .
How do you know that?
I would first check whether the plugin in Telegraf is working properly, whether the output is formatted properly and whether Telegraf is sending data to InfluxDB at all.
I would add the outputs.file
plugin to your telegraf.conf
to check this. This output plugin allows you to send the output of Telegraf to a file or to the console. This way you can check the function of the plug-ins in Telegraf quite easily.
@Franky1 thanks for the reply !!!
here the output of file
sso_queries_log,LogType=KPI_PROBE_SSO,Message_type=Info_Main,host=host.sso, time="2021-03-04 14:16:50.768",Trace_Id="SSP657f2a4e1c5cbc662fa2f83fac85f",Probe_Name="ics_probe",Proc_time="9.58395004272461" 1614863810778576995
anf when i run telegraf --test , i have the same result !!
any feedback ?
I am not a support person from influxdata - so some patience please!
I am not familiar with the grok input format, but it looks to me like there is something wrong with the grok pattern.
I find the extra quotes suspicious.
time is read as string
ProcTime is read as string
So what does a line from the original log file look like?
Please compare again your grok pattern with the documentation:
Sorry for the spam :’
here original log line,
Timestamp="2021-03-04 15:17:42.919" TraceId="SSP474d3f90447a256f6d5ebaaa2ce84" ProbeName="infra_probe" LogType="KPI_INFRA_SSO" MessType="Meters_to_Login" ProcTime="9.627580642700195" StateInd="3" ErrCode="95" ErrMess="KO technical error" AccessProvider="UN" Login="10600752"
here the output of file
As I wrote before, I am not familiar with the ngrok format, but what I notice is:
the timestamp in nanoseconds does not match the time string in the log file
the time string in the logfile is not read as timestamp, but as field
instead the ingress time is used as timestamp
the timezone setting in the config is missing
I have fiddled a bit with the ngrok format and I think I have found a solution that works.
A snippet with 3 lines of fake input data according to your logfile:
Timestamp="2021-03-04 21:17:42.919" TraceId="SSP474d3f90447a256f6d5ebaaa2ce84" ProbeName="infra_probe" LogType="KPI_INFRA_SSO" MessType="Meters_to_Login" ProcTime="9.627580642700195" StateInd="3" ErrCode="95" ErrMess="KO technical error" AccessProvider="UN" Login="10600752"
Timestamp="2021-03-04 21:17:43.919" TraceId="SSP474d3f90447a256f6d5ebaaa2ce85" ProbeName="infra_probe" LogType="KPI_INFRA_SSO" MessType="Meters_to_Login" ProcTime="9.627580642700195" StateInd="3" ErrCode="95" ErrMess="KO technical error" AccessProvider="UN" Login="10600752"
Timestamp="2021-03-04 21:17:44.919" TraceId="SSP474d3f90447a256f6d5ebaaa2ce86" ProbeName="infra_probe" LogType="KPI_INFRA_SSO" MessType="Meters_to_Login" ProcTime="9.627580642700195" StateInd="3" ErrCode="95" ErrMess="KO technical error" AccessProvider="UN" Login="10600752"
The configuration snippet of Telegraf:
files = ["probesso.log"]
from_beginning = false
grok_patterns = ['Timestamp="%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp:ts-"2006-01-02 15:04:05.000"}" TraceId="%{DATA:TraceId:string}" ProbeName="%{DATA:ProbeName:string}" LogType="%{DATA:LogType:string}" MessType="%{DATA:MessType:tag}" ProcTime="%{NUMBER:ProcTime:float}"']
data_format = "grok"
grok_timezone = "Local"
name_override = "sso_queries_log"
[[outputs.file]] # only for debugging
files = ["probesso.out"]
tagexclude = ["path"]
influx_sort_fields = true
The snippet with the 3 output lines of Telegraf in influx line protocol format:
sso_queries_log,MessType=Meters_to_Login,host=localprobe LogType="KPI_INFRA_SSO",ProbeName="infra_probe",ProcTime=9.627580642700195,TraceId="SSP474d3f90447a256f6d5ebaaa2ce84" 1614889062919000000
sso_queries_log,MessType=Meters_to_Login,host=localprobe LogType="KPI_INFRA_SSO",ProbeName="infra_probe",ProcTime=9.627580642700195,TraceId="SSP474d3f90447a256f6d5ebaaa2ce85" 1614889063919000000
sso_queries_log,MessType=Meters_to_Login,host=localprobe LogType="KPI_INFRA_SSO",ProbeName="infra_probe",ProcTime=9.627580642700195,TraceId="SSP474d3f90447a256f6d5ebaaa2ce86" 1614889064919000000
I would say that looks good
Thanks for the reply
Yes it works
but from grafana i have no data points
example query
SELECT count("MessType") FROM "sso_queries_log" WHERE ("host" = 'host.sso' AND "MessType" =~ /^$MessType$/) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)
any suggestions
I would first check InfluxDB itself to see if the data points are there!?
example query
Unfortunately I can’t help with the query, I don’t know InfluxQL.
query from influxdb
"SELECT count(MessType) FROM sso_queries_log WHERE (host = 'host.sso' AND MessType =~ /^Info_Main$/) AND time >= now() - 1h GROUP BY time(1m) fill(null)
no row returned
MessType is specified as tag, so i put variable on in grafana config
As I wrote before - please leave Grafana and queries out of it - are the metrics even in InfluxDB?
Yes indeed
time AccessProvider Address ErrCode ErrCode_1 ErrMess IpType LogType Login MessType MessType_1 Nspace ProbeName ProcTime StateInd Timestamp TraceId host metrics_type path
---- -------------- ------- ------- --------- ------- ------ ------- ----- -------- ---------- ------ --------- -------- -------- --------- ------- ---- --------- ----
1614880677772331391 wfr 95 KO ICS Legacy technical error KPI_PROBE_SSO USER022 Info_Main 1 ics_probe 11.002540588378906 3 2021-03-04 18:57:57.760 SSP6d280b6914e3acd0916ec460bbf37 host.sso sso probesso.log
Yes indeed
Then I would say your query just doesn’t return any hits?
Proceed systematically: Simplify the query until something is found. For example, increase the time window? Then increase the complexity of your query again?
with other query
SELECT count("MessType") FROM "sso_queries_log" WHERE ("host" = 'host.sso' AND "MessType" = 'Info_Main') AND time >= now() - 24h GROUP BY time(2m) fill(previous)
with this time range i have data points
but i set from today, no data returned
Then I would say something is wrong somewhere with the timestamp . Either on the machine where Telegraf is running. Or the timezone does not match between Telegraf and Grafana?
solved with defined the two patterns on same grok_patterns
Please suggest grok pattern to filter only 500 error code logs