New chronograf host issue

I am setting up a new tick stack so installed influxdb / telegraf 1.5.1/ chronograf

starting the chronograf and configuring hosts shows error:

Jan 18 12:33:11 grand chronograf[29085]: time="2018-01-18T12:33:11-06:00" level=info msg="Response: Bad Request" component=server method=POST remote_addr="<>:55472" response_time="589.023µs" status=400
Jan 18 12:33:11 grand chronograf[29085]: time="2018-01-18T12:33:11-06:00" level=info msg="Response: OK" component=server method=GET remote_addr="<>:55474" response_time="50.814µs" status=200
Jan 18 12:33:11 grand chronograf[29085]: time="2018-01-18T12:33:11-06:00" level=error msg="Error message received status code 401 from server: err: unable to parse authentication credentials" component=server http_status =400
Jan 18 12:33:11 grand chronograf[29085]: time="2018-01-18T12:33:11-06:00" level=info msg="Response: OK" component=server method=GET remote_addr="<>:55474" response_time="119.424µs" status=200

Checked telegraf is having system info data updated etc.

restarted the services multiple times … did not hep.

Any help appreciated.

The chronograf InfluxDB Sources page shows teh data source correctly connected but all other pages shows error!

Just found that the hostname was not showng correctly on this opensuser 13.2 host.

We fixed it and connected from a second client box and was able to configure the data source for the chronograf and it works perfectly now.

not sure these are related but my issue is gone.