I am setting up a new tick stack so installed influxdb / telegraf 1.5.1/ chronograf
starting the chronograf and configuring hosts shows error:
Jan 18 12:33:11 grand chronograf[29085]: time="2018-01-18T12:33:11-06:00" level=info msg="Response: Bad Request" component=server method=POST remote_addr="<>:55472" response_time="589.023µs" status=400
Jan 18 12:33:11 grand chronograf[29085]: time="2018-01-18T12:33:11-06:00" level=info msg="Response: OK" component=server method=GET remote_addr="<>:55474" response_time="50.814µs" status=200
Jan 18 12:33:11 grand chronograf[29085]: time="2018-01-18T12:33:11-06:00" level=error msg="Error message received status code 401 from server: err: unable to parse authentication credentials" component=server http_status =400
Jan 18 12:33:11 grand chronograf[29085]: time="2018-01-18T12:33:11-06:00" level=info msg="Response: OK" component=server method=GET remote_addr="<>:55474" response_time="119.424µs" status=200
Checked telegraf is having system info data updated etc.
restarted the services multiple times … did not hep.
Any help appreciated.