I know that influxdb cares about series cardinality, and measurement name is part of a series. In one of the design choices that I have to make, I can swap one of the tags with the measurement name and it will improve design from categorization perspective. By doing that of course I am not changing overall series cardinality, but I will definitely increase the number of measurements in the database.
So, my question is - Does Influxdb care about number of measurements in a database when I am not changing the series cardinality?
Given, I didn’t hear from anybody, I did my own test. I am trying to use Influxdb to support multiple tenants. So, earlier I was thinking of using measurement names for the tenants. I did multiple tests (at least 25 test runs) with various combinations of RAM and tenants (as measurement names and databases). I know that ID fields add to the cardinality, so in one of the run I had removed ID column from the tag list. However, as I need to run group-by on ID column, I didn’t have that choice. So, I brought ID column back to tagset.
Finally, at the end, for an Influxdb instance, I am settled with 32GB RAM, and one database per tenant. I was able to run that instance with 25 tenants (read 25 databases). Each of these 25 tenants has around 300K series, and I saw that influxdb memory consumption was hovering around a little over 50%.
I hope this helps somebody who is in similar situation.
Just before the [coordinator] configuration options, there are some defaults. You can change them, but as i say it will increase the series cardinality for your individual databases.