I’m trying to add another modbus input to my telegraf, but I got EOF Error.
This is my conf file
root@3a95fc7aa27e:/etc/telegraf# cat fepasa-reco.conf
slave_id = 35
timeout = "10s"
controller = "tcp://"
input_registers = [
{ name = "ACurr", byte_order = "AB", data_type = "FLOAT32-IEEE", scale=1.0, address = [11]},
And this the output of the test.
root@3a95fc7aa27e:/etc/telegraf# telegraf -config fepasa-reco.conf -input-filter modbus -test
2022-01-14T16:44:09Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.20.2
2022-01-14T16:44:09Z E! [inputs.modbus] Error in plugin: EOF
2022-01-14T16:44:09Z E! [telegraf] Error running agent: input plugins recorded 1 errors
I got the same results if I add the modbus plugin into telegraf.conf.
But if I leave input register black, no EOF error at all.
root@3a95fc7aa27e:/etc/telegraf# cat fepasa-reco.conf
slave_id = 35
timeout = "10s"
controller = "tcp://"
input_registers = [
root@3a95fc7aa27e:/etc/telegraf# telegraf -config fepasa-reco.conf -input-filter modbus -test
2022-01-14T16:51:35Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.20.2
Thanks in advance for the help!!!