[[inputs.logparser]] no output in --test mode and no metrics

Hi Bolek,

Thank you for the support.
My main focus is on the below KPI’s:
Response Codes (e.g. HTTP 1xx, 2xx, 3xxx, 4xxx, 5xxx, etc);
TCP, UDP, Dropped Pkts, Errors, Traffic already monitored.
I don’t know if I could extract other relevant information for NG|NX the open source version.
I’ve put also a Print screen of what I already have in the Dashboard regarding NG|NX.

There are many examples using non_negative_derivative.

***Old post: Collecting metrics with [[inputs.logparser]] no output on test

  1. Regarding logparser for the moment nothing because I’ve tried many implementations of [[inputs.logparser]] no output in --test mode and nothing in InfluxDB database and I’m trying to understand better what I could do to have those in the InfluxDB.
  2. What I want to have is related to response codes if possible.

Started from this Telegraf.conf example from Internet:

urls = [“http://localhost/nginx_status”]
files = [“/var/log/nginx/access.log”]
from_beginning = true
name_override = “nginx_access_log”
patterns = [“%{COMBINED_LOG_FORMAT}”]

to many possible variants but no output yet.

Kind Regards,