Influxdb service not starting

no luck still

but now when I type influxd I see this and it is just loading:

that’s a good sign :slight_smile:
When it stops scrolling , you can press control c to cancel
and then try with systemctl start influxd

I have done the systemctl start influxd and still the service doesn’t start another troubleshooting command to run?

yes these can give some more information …

journalctl -u influxdb

ls -al /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf

[root@ncias-d2060-v ~]#
[root@ncias-d2060-v ~]# ls -al /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf
-rw-r–r--. 1 root root 3371 Apr 5 08:42 /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf

Hi ,
i think that a new install will be better ,
As you suggested earlier ,

OK can you suggest me a good methode to completly remove influxdb from the server and install it from scratch? or just a simple yum remove? I try it and I face the same issue

The yum remove is the safest play as it will keep your package list intact. If you remove files individually your package list will be out of date.

Have you tried doing a yum reinstall influxdb-1.7.5.x86_64.rpm?

thak you removing it and reinstalling it did the trick