InfluxDB SELECT query on multiple MEASUREMENT with different fieldType

I have an influxDB testdb where, I am trying a SELECT query on 4 different measurements with different fieldtype.I am able to query more than measurements successfully but when it comes to combining multiple measurements with different fieldType, influxDB only returns results for one fieldType.


> create database testdb
> use testdb
Using database testdb
> insert rpm,path=P1 data=200
> insert rpm,path=P2 data=100
> insert rpm,path=P1 data=300
> insert load,path=P1 data=77
> insert load,path=P1 data=89
> insert mode,path=P1 data="AUTOMATIC"
> insert mode,path=P2 data="MANUAL"
> insert mode,path=P1 data="AUTOMATIC"
> insert execution,path=P1 data="ACTIVE"

Now I have 4 measurements namely, rpm, load, mode, execution. Their fieldType are:

> show field keys on testdb
name: execution
fieldKey fieldType
-------- ---------
data     string

name: load
fieldKey fieldType
-------- ---------
data     float

name: mode
fieldKey fieldType
-------- ---------
data     string

name: rpm
fieldKey fieldType
-------- ---------
data     float

What I can do

I am able to get results successfully from mode than one measurements of same fieldType.

> select last(data) from mode, execution
name: execution
time                last
----                ----
1564000155710480300 ACTIVE

name: mode
time                last
----                ----
1564000155694460700 AUTOMATIC
> select last(data) from rpm, load
name: load
time                last
----                ----
1564000155650446100 89

name: rpm
time                last
----                ----
1564000155620293100 300


I am not able to combine all 4 measurements into one single query. the below query should return results for all 4 measurements, instead it returns results for only float type.

> select last(data) from mode, execution, rpm, load
name: load
time                last
----                ----
1564000155650446100 89

name: rpm
time                last
----                ----
1564000155620293100 300

If I change the order, I get the same result:

> select last(data) from rpm, load, mode, execution
name: load
time                last
----                ----
1564000155650446100 89

name: rpm
time                last
----                ----
1564000155620293100 300

Is there a way so that I can get the result for string and float type in one result set?