Influxd stops populating to journal once Started InfluxDB

I see no messages appearing in journal once InfluxDB gets fully started:

Oct 26 20:29:35 systemd[1]: Starting InfluxDB is an open-source, distributed, time series database...
Oct 26 20:29:35[1187]: Merging with configuration at: /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf
Oct 26 20:29:35[1187]: ts=2021-10-26T20:29:35.805875Z lvl=info msg="InfluxDB starting" log_id=0XR_YbkG000 version=1.8.10 branch=1.8 commit=688e697c51fd
Oct 26 20:29:35[1187]: ts=2021-10-26T20:29:35.805935Z lvl=info msg="Go runtime" log_id=0XR_YbkG000 version=go1.13.8 maxprocs=20
Oct 26 20:29:35[1187]: Merging with configuration at: /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf
Oct 26 20:29:35[1187]: InfluxDB API unavailable after 1 attempts...
Oct 26 20:29:35[1187]: ts=2021-10-26T20:29:35.908217Z lvl=info msg="Using data dir" log_id=0XR_YbkG000 service=store path=/db/influxdb/data
Oct 26 20:29:35[1187]: ts=2021-10-26T20:29:35.908300Z lvl=info msg="Compaction settings" log_id=0XR_YbkG000 service=store max_concurrent_compactions=10 throughput_bytes_per_second=50331648 throughput_bytes_per_second_burst=50331648
Oct 26 20:29:35[1187]: ts=2021-10-26T20:29:35.908326Z lvl=info msg="Open store (start)" log_id=0XR_YbkG000 service=store trace_id=0XR_Yc90000 op_name=tsdb_open op_event=start
.......a lot of output here.............
.......a lot of output here.............
Oct 26 20:30:07[1187]: [httpd] - - [26/Oct/2021:20:30:07 +0000] "GET /health HTTP/1.1" 200 107 "-" "curl/7.29.0" 824b7cd8-369b-11ec-8001-5254007dcde3 792
Oct 26 20:30:07 systemd[1]: Started InfluxDB is an open-source, distributed, time series database.

and that’s it. No more messages such is http POST or GET or compactions and other stuff.

influxdb.conf is set per default. Even tho the logging section is commented out, that means it’s set as per default states.

# format = "auto"
# level = "info"
# suppress-logo = false

log-enabled = true

trace-logging-enabled = true
query-log-enabled = true

Hello @Bedas
Can you please share your whole config?
Thank you

@Anaisdg thanks for response.
AMOF I found out that all the output is being shown in system log if I run journalctl -xe

But nothing for journalctl -f -u influxdb or I tried other variation such journalctl -f -o cat _SYSTEMD_UNIT=influxdb.service

Here you go…

[foo@bar influxdb]$ cat influxdb.conf | egrep "\[\w+\]|="
reporting-disabled = true
# bind-address = ""
### [meta]
  dir = "/db/influxdb/meta"
  # retention-autocreate = true
  # logging-enabled = true
### [data]
  dir = "/db/influxdb/data"
  wal-dir = "/db/influxdb/wal"
  # wal-fsync-delay = "0s"
  # index-version = "inmem"
  trace-logging-enabled = true
  query-log-enabled = true
  # validate-keys = false
  # Valid size suffixes are k, m, or g (case insensitive, 1024 = 1k).
  # cache-max-memory-size = "1g"
  # Valid size suffixes are k, m, or g (case insensitive, 1024 = 1k).
  # cache-snapshot-memory-size = "25m"
  # cache-snapshot-write-cold-duration = "10m"
  # compact-full-write-cold-duration = "4h"
  # max-concurrent-compactions = 0
  # compact-throughput = "48m"
  # compact-throughput-burst = "48m"
  # tsm-use-madv-willneed = false
  max-series-per-database = 4000000
  max-values-per-tag = 110000
  # Valid size suffixes are k, m, or g (case insensitive, 1024 = 1k).
  # max-index-log-file-size = "1m"
  series-id-set-cache-size = 100
### [coordinator]
  write-timeout = "9s"
  max-concurrent-queries = 30
  query-timeout = "60s"
  log-queries-after = "30s"
  # max-select-point = 0
  # max-select-series = 0
  # max-select-buckets = 0
### [retention]
  # enabled = true
  # check-interval = "30m"
  # enabled = true
  # check-interval = "10m"
  # advance-period = "30m"
  # store-enabled = true
  # store-database = "_internal"
  store-interval = "60s"
### [http]
  # enabled = true
  # flux-enabled = false
  # flux-log-enabled = false
  # bind-address = ":8086"
  # auth-enabled = false
  # realm = "InfluxDB"
  log-enabled = true
  # suppress-write-log = false
  # access-log-path = ""
  # access-log-status-filters = []
  # write-tracing = false
  # pprof-enabled = true
  # pprof-auth-enabled = false
  # debug-pprof-enabled = false
  # ping-auth-enabled = false
  # https-enabled = false
  # https-certificate = "/etc/ssl/influxdb.pem"
  # https-private-key = ""
  # shared-secret = ""
  # max-row-limit = 0
  # max-connection-limit = 0
  # unix-socket-enabled = false
  # bind-socket = "/var/run/influxdb.sock"
  # max-body-size = 25000000
  # max-concurrent-write-limit = 0
  # max-enqueued-write-limit = 0
  # enqueued-write-timeout = 0
        #   X-Header-1 = "Header Value 1"
        #   X-Header-2 = "Header Value 2"
### [logging]
  # format = "auto"
  # level = "info"
  # suppress-logo = false
### [subscriber]
  # enabled = true
  # http-timeout = "30s"
  # insecure-skip-verify = false
  # ca-certs = ""
  # write-concurrency = 40
  # write-buffer-size = 1000
### [[graphite]]
  # enabled = false
  # database = "graphite"
  # retention-policy = ""
  # bind-address = ":2003"
  # protocol = "tcp"
  # consistency-level = "one"
  # batch-size = 5000
  # batch-pending = 10
  # batch-timeout = "1s"
  # udp-read-buffer = 0
  # separator = "."
  # tags = ["region=us-east", "zone=1c"]
  # templates = [
### [collectd]
  # enabled = false
  # bind-address = ":25826"
  # database = "collectd"
  # retention-policy = ""
  # typesdb = "/usr/local/share/collectd"
  # security-level = "none"
  # auth-file = "/etc/collectd/auth_file"
  # batch-size = 5000
  # batch-pending = 10
  # batch-timeout = "10s"
  # read-buffer = 0
  # parse-multivalue-plugin = "split"
### [opentsdb]
  # enabled = false
  # bind-address = ":4242"
  # database = "opentsdb"
  # retention-policy = ""
  # consistency-level = "one"
  # tls-enabled = false
  # certificate= "/etc/ssl/influxdb.pem"
  # log-point-errors = true
  # batch-size = 1000
  # batch-pending = 5
  # batch-timeout = "1s"
### [[udp]]
  # enabled = false
  # bind-address = ":8089"
  # database = "udp"
  # retention-policy = ""
  # precision = ""
  # batch-size = 5000
  # batch-pending = 10
  # batch-timeout = "1s"
  # read-buffer = 0
### [continuous_queries]
  # enabled = true
  log-enabled = true
  # query-stats-enabled = false
  # run-interval = "1s"
### [tls]
  # ciphers = [
  # min-version = "tls1.2"
  # max-version = "tls1.3"