Influx_stress: 100x slower on Mac than on Linux

I installed InfluxDB 1.2.2 both on my newest MacBookPro (SDD) and on an older Linux box with HDD:

I see an average query response time on Mac with 354.167637ms vs 4.092117ms on Linux.

Factor 100 difference?

Where is this coming from?


Andreass-MacBook-Pro:~ ajung$ influx_stress
    Total Requests: 2000
    	Success: 2000
    	Fail: 0
    Average Response Time: 253.229431ms
    Points Per Second: 196490

    Total Queries: 250
    Average Query Response Time: 354.167637ms> influx_stress
Total Queries: 250
Average Query Response Time: 4.092117ms

Total Requests: 2000
	Success: 2000
	Fail: 0
Average Response Time: 375.698445ms
Points Per Second: 132725

@zopyx I would guess this would be because the writes are slower on your HDD machine and more data is coming back on the queries on the mac.

Why would a box with a HDD be 100 times faster than a SDD? Makes no sense.


@zopyx influx_stress works by querying the data it has just written. The writes are faster on your macbook this could be causing more data to be returned with each query. That could explain the discrepancy there.

I would also suggest that you look at our newer influx-stress for this kind of work.