Hi i am using MQTT Consumer Input Plugin to write publish my own metric data in that topic.In influx format.And the output is configured to influxdb.When i m publishing a single line data it is working,but it is not working when i try to push multiline data with \n in the end of the each line. ```
cpu,host=server01,region=uswest value=1 1434055562000000000 --this example is working
but when i try to do
cpu,host=server01,region=uswest value=1 1434055562000000000 \n cpu,host=server02,region=uswest value=3 1434055562000010000
publish these 2 data at the same time it is not working.
This is because influx line protocol is defined as a single line of input, not multiple lines of input. It was never designed to take multiple lines of input and split based on the \n character.