Hi there,
We have some problems with performance after migrating our continuous queries(InfluxQl) to tasks(FluxQl) they are going from an average speed of 10 seconds to over 5 minutes.
These tasks are ran every 2 minutes, I was hoping you would have some answers as to why they have slowed down so massively.
from(bucket: “mondoenergy/default”)
|> range(start: -24h2m)
|> filter(
fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == “rawData” and r._field == “attributeValue” and r.attributeId
|> aggregateWindow(fn: last, every: 1d, offset: -10h, timeSrc: “_start”)
|> difference()
|> set(key: “_measurement”, value: “DailyAccumulation”)
|> set(key: “_field”, value: “import”)
|> drop(columns: [“attributeId”])
|> filter(fn: (r) => r._value >= 0 and exists r._value)
|> to(bucket: “mondoenergy/default”)
The v1 query
RESAMPLE EVERY 2m FOR 26h BEGIN SELECT last(attributeValue) - first(attributeValue) AS import INTO mondoenergy.“default”.DailyAccumulation FROM mondoenergy.“default”.rawData WHERE attributeId = ‘57664’ GROUPBY time(1d, -10h), deviceId, endpointId END
Note: We did swap from using FIRST - LAST to the difference between 2 days. But we have tested and it is the aggregateWindow function that is chewing up all the time.
Running the old query on the influx box using the /query endpoint gives us roughly the same response time on v1 vs v2
SELECT last(attributeValue) - first(attributeValue) AS import INTO mondoenergy.“default”.DailyAccumulation FROM mondoenergy.“default”.rawData WHERE attributeId = ‘57664’ GROUPBY time(1d, -10h), deviceId, endpointId