I'm using Flux to do a search, when the query has more than 1 million rows, the inflow returns me null

I’m using Flux to make a paged query using LIMIT and OFFSET, but when the search in InfluxDB has more than 1 million rows, the inflow returns me null. My query:

from(bucket: "PData/autogen") |> range(start: 2018-01-01T09:12:32Z, stop: 2018-01-06T08:00:00Z) 
|> filter(fn:(r) =>  r._field == "Value"  and  r._measurement == "White" ) 
|> group(columns: ["_measurement"]) |> sort(columns:["_time"] , desc: true)
|> limit(n: 10, offset: 0)

if I shorten the query period where the total row count drops to less than 1 million, the querie works correctly. However as I am using LIMIT and OFFSET I shouldn’t even have a row overflow problem because it should only bring 10

Hello, I just discovered that it is a problem related to sort.
If I don’t order the query it works normally.
But that still doesn’t solve my problem because I need to return the ordered data.
It works normally using InfluxQL but would like to continue using Flux.