Hi does anybody of you know how to backup the database on a FreeBSD Jail and restore in Debian correctly?
I followed the instruction on the InfluxDB Homepage but it looks like its not working.
I want to transfer my database from a FreeBSD jail to my Debian VM.
First I backuped the metastore:
influxd backup /tmp/backup
then the Database:
influxd backup -database graphite /tmp/backup
After this was successful, I copied the folder /tmp/backup from my jail to the Debian VM, same folder in the root.
Within the Debian VM I executed the command:
influxd restore -metadir /var/lib/influxdb/meta /tmp/backup
and then restored the Database:
influxd restore -database graphite -datadir /var/lib/influxdb/data /tmp/backup
finaly I fixed the permissions:
chown -R influxdb:influxdb /var/lib/influxdb
Everything looks fine but when I start Grafana on the Debian VM and select a Value to show within I cant see any old datapoints. So it looks like the restore of the Database was not really successful.
What did I wrong? any suggestions?