How to select two field values

I have this query

SELECT last(“Updated”) AS “Updated” FROM “Software” WHERE (“ComputerName” =~ /^(JK)$/ AND “Updated” = 1 AND “Software” =~ /^(Acrobat Reader)$/) AND time >= now() - 6h"

The response is only data where Updated = 1

If I then change the query to

SELECT last(“Updated”) AS “Updated” FROM “Software” WHERE (“ComputerName” =~ /^(JK)$/ AND “Updated” = 0 AND “Software” =~ /^(Acrobat Reader)$/) AND time >= now() - 6h"

The response is only data where Updated = 0

SELECT last(“Updated”) AS “Updated” FROM “Software” WHERE (“ComputerName” =~ /^(JK)$/ AND “Updated” = (0|1) AND “Software” =~ /^(Acrobat Reader)$/) AND time >= now() - 6h"

SELECT last(“Updated”) AS “Updated” FROM “Software” WHERE (“ComputerName” =~ /^(JK)$/ AND “Updated” = 0|1 AND “Software” =~ /^(Acrobat Reader)$/) AND time >= now() - 6h"

The response is only data where Updated = 1