How to get latest 24h period with data using only one query?

I have to request data taking 24h period prior to the latest timestamp.
Currently I achieve this by making 2 queries like this:

SELECT wind FROM weather WHERE source='dallas' ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 1

            "series": [
                    "name": "weather",
                    "columns": [
                    "values": [

And second query using found latest [timestamp - 1d]:

SELECT wind FROM weather WHERE source='dallas' and time>='2018-07-12T16:32:42.48338873Z' ORDER BY ASC

Is it possible achieve this using only one query?
I tried sub-queries without success (I am new to InfluxDb).
Influxdb-Version 1.7.6

Hello @baur,
Thank you for your question. This isn’t super useful, but have you considered upgrading to v2.x to use Flux? You could store that last timestamp in a variable and incorporate it in your second query.