How is the publication of Telegraf to influx?
I have an iot particle device, a webhook configured correctly with telegraf and influx and the grafana viewer.
The problem lies in the timestamp. My iot device is not published immediately when taking the measurement from a sensor, the device fills a queue and when it reaches X nodes it will publish the events every 1 second, imagine that the data is sensed every 5 minutes.
The problem is that telegraph takes the time of the arrival of the events and uses that timestamp at the entrance time or I don’t know how it does it, but it doesn’t help me.
I need my data to be organized in grafana at the time it was sensed and not when it was published, how can I do it? I don’t understand how the telegraf publishes the data to influence
Some of my data
particle publication;
event: test
data: {“data”: “{” tags \ “: {” id \ ": " 1 \ "}, " values ​​\ “: {” time \ ": 1595281991000000000, " sensor \ ": 13}} “,” ttl “: 60,” updated_at “:” 2020-07-20T21: 53: 14.710Z “,” coreid “:” private "}