Graph multiple tags over same period of time

I am using chronograf to build queries using the flux language. Currently the query I am building only shows the data specific to a single tag over a specific period of time. What I am trying to accomplish is to graph two distinct tags over the same period of time. Where each tag is it’s own line and (preferably) it’s own unique color.

To build a query with one tag this is the flux code I have written:

from(bucket: “generators/autogen”)
|> range(start: dashboardTime, stop: upperDashboardTime)
|> filter(fn: ® =>
r._measurement == “data” and
(r._field == “value”) and
(r.data_name == “CAT 1”)

How can I edit this code to include both “CAT 1” and “CAT 2” and display them on the same line graph separately with chronograf? Thanks to all of those who respond in advance.

To answer my own question, this can be accomplished with using the “or” logical operator. By executing the following code:

from(bucket: “generators/autogen”)
|> range(start: dashboardTime, stop: upperDashboardTime)
|> filter(fn: ® =>
r._measurement == “data” and
(r._field == “value”) and
(r.data_name == “CAT 1”) or
(r.data_name == “CAT 2”)

I am able to graph the values associated with the tag “CAT 1” and “CAT 2” distinctly on the same graph.
