Filter series by a comparison

I am collecting switch port counters (octets) and graphing them as the NonNegative derivative(). I am trying to figure out a way to either:

  1. suppress the ports with the least amount of traffic (almost 0)
  2. only graph the port data with the most traffic, for various definitions of ‘most traffic’. Highest peak rate would probably be best.

I looked at top(), and highestmax(), but they seem to only return the record, not the entire table. I would like to maintain the accurate graph of the traffic

Welcome! @mroe1234
Ugh…um finding local min and max is non trivial in Flux and I wouldn’t recommend it honestly.
I tried finding the post where I achieved this but yah I don’t recommend going down that rabbit hole.

I honestly would suggest using the python client libraries and pandas to do this type of data transformation work.

I’m sorry I don’t have a better answer.

This was both a very helpful and slightly frustrating response. I think you’re probably right about python+pandas. However, I feel like a purpose built language like flux should have a builtin function to abstract the complexity.

All that being said, it seems that fluxlang might not be relevant much longer based on the direction influx 3 has taken. I guess the follow up question would be do you think it’s likely/possible that influx 3 will support any of the bespoke python+pandas or will I be rewriting all my queries yet again?