Extend system timepicker variable with new values

Hi, what a the options to extend predefined timepicker variable (influxDB OSS v2.7) with extra values for long periods - 3mo, 6mo, 1y?

Dont like idea to have extra custom variable.

I would like to add these values specifically for one particular dashboard (if not - globally for all dashboards).

(Calendar precision (e.g., exact month match) is not critical, so approximate durations in days (90, 180, 365d) are acceptable.)

Hello @va2dim,

I tried to create a custom query variable with:

import "array"
import "date"

time90 = date.sub(from: now(), d: 90d)

rows = [{_value: time90}]

array.from(rows: rows)

and named as time90

And here you can use it in a query:

import "array"
import "date"

rows = [{_value: v.time90}]

array.from(rows: rows)

but I’m not sure why it isn’t returning any results.

When this example works:
setting listbuckets variable

    |> rename(columns: {"name": "_value"})
    |> keep(columns: ["_value"])

and this query works:

import "array"
import "date"

rows = [{_value: v.listbuckets}]

array.from(rows: rows)

So in theory theres a way to get these variables to work i just don’t know exactly what that is. But maybe play around with them some more?

I can put “14d”, “90d”, “365d” in custom variable, but not understand howto to update with this values component timepicker?

dont catch how this help

|> rename(columns: {“name”: “_value”})
|> keep(columns: [“_value”])