What I get / Error
Unfortunately I get following error: could not execute task run: unsupported input type for mean aggregate: string
What is the cause?
I have some collectors like NetApp Harvest that unfortunately writes sometimes strings or booleans in “_value” and that’s why I get the error above.
What I want to prevent / What is my goal
I want a working downsampling task that works with all supported data types without specifying them hardcoded.
I don’t want to exclude all the _measurements or _fields that have strings in “_value”.
Acceptable Workaround (when we don’t find any solution)
Exclude all other data types that not contains a numeric value in “_value” from downsampling.
I thought as a QuickFix exclude all non numeric data with regex, but this won’t work and I don’t get any help (Bug? Strange regex behaviour in Flux · Issue #3804 · influxdata/flux · GitHub)
→ But I would be very happy If we find a solution for my issue and not a workaround.
@Jay_Clifford & @Anaisdg
Thanks, that is exactly what I need. I will test this and give feedback here.
But first in which InfluxDB version is this supported?
Because I in the release notes of the InfluxDB GitHub repo the Flux version 0.140.0+ is not mentioned.
The last mentioned Flux Update is the InfluxDB 2.1.0 to Flux v0.139.0.
If you’re using InfluxDB Cloud, it’s already available. If you’re using InfluxDB OSS 2.x, support for types.isType() will ship with InfluxDB 2.2, which should be later this week or early next week.
Unfortunately we are not allowed to use InfluxDB Cloud. So I have to wait for version 2.2 and then I give you feedback from my testing. Thanks anyway already for any help.
@jon_griffiths There was a minor defect found in one of the new 2.2 features that has pushed the release back a bit. I don’t know the exact timeline, but it is still expected soon.
@deb, without Flux 0.140.0+, no, it’s not possible. You have three options to use a version of InfluxDB with a version of Flux that includes types.isType():