Downsample - continuous query not working

The continuous query only seems to work when I specify the from statement. Is it because I’ve got string values in some measurements? and in that case how can I regex exclude them?

CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY “downsample mean” ON telegraf BEGIN

SELECT mean(*)
FROM telegraf.tmp.cpu GROUP BY time(5m), *


CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY “downsample mean” ON telegraf BEGIN

SELECT mean()
FROM telegraf.tmp./.
/ GROUP BY time(5m), *


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Always interesting to find issues which show no reaction over years. :confused:
Surprisingly we face the same behavior after several months of successful use.

@Adrast, can you share your experiences in coping with this problem?
Do you know if consecutive influxdb versions show a similar behavior?

Hello @Werner123,
Apologies sometimes questions get buried.
Continuous queries in InfluxDB require specifying the exact measurement name. You cannot use wildcards directly in the measurement name. Docs for reference: docs