Disable Console Log with influx .Net Client

using the influxdb-client-csharp , is there a way to disable the log to Output when writing points, to the Db ?

When running in Debug, the output window of Visual Studio is getting polluted by

The batch item: OnNext(RestSharp.RestResponse) was processed successfully.
The data was successfully written to InfluxDB 2.
The batch item: OnNext(RestSharp.RestResponse) was processed successfully.
The data was successfully written to InfluxDB 2.
The batch item: OnNext(RestSharp.RestResponse) was processed successfully.
The data was successfully written to InfluxDB 2.

It makes tracing extremely completed as it keeps on scrolling the new message from the Influx Client.
I’m using WriteApi with batching but it would be nice to be able to disable for any cases.

Thank you

this would be super helpful if anyone has any ideas? even if it was possible to setup a filter on the debug window somehow?

Hello @ticchioned,
Not that I’m aware of. You can file a feature request. Sorry to be not helpful

I opened an issue a while back through GitHub.
Apparently this feature has been added in the latest version, but from my tests it doesn’t behave correctly:
Disable Console Log · Issue #560 · influxdata/influxdb-client-csharp (github.com)