I am trying to use Kapacitors DerivativeNode in batch mode to calculate desired values, but when my TICK script reaches Derivative Node it doesn’t return any values. The TICK script that I am using:
# kapacitor show one_by_one
ID: one_by_one
Type: batch
Status: disabled
Executing: false
Created: 02 Mar 17 10:09 UTC
Modified: 11 Jan 18 14:09 UTC
LastEnabled: 01 Jan 01 00:00 UTC
Databases Retention Policies: ["collectd"."default" "history"."autogen"]
var stats = batch
SELECT mean("value") as "value" FROM "collectd"."default"."nginx_value"
WHERE "host" =~ /some-server/ AND "type" = 'nginx_requests'
.groupBy(time(1h), *)
digraph one_by_one {
query1 -> log2;
log2 -> derivative3;
derivative3 -> log4;
log4 -> influxdb_out5;
I define the task, record past 3h of data and replay it with:
Hi Marijus,
I met the same situation with Kapacitor as you and it took me some amount of time to figure out the solution (as i was not able to find proper examples or good docs in the Kapacitor section of the site).
Here is what is working for me now:
ID: total_traffic_test-2
Type: batch
Status: enabled
Executing: true
Created: 18 Jan 18 11:55 PST
Modified: 19 Jan 18 14:05 PST
LastEnabled: 19 Jan 18 14:05 PST
Databases Retention Policies: ["mdt_db"."test6h"]
dbrp "mdt_db"."test6h"
var received = batch
SELECT sum("bytes-received") as "received"
FROM "mdt_db"."test6h"."Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-statsd-oper:infra-statistics/interfaces/interface/latest/generic-counters"
WHERE "interface-name" =~ /Bundle.*/ AND time > now() - 1m GROUP BY time(1s),"Producer"
.groupBy(time(1s), 'Producer')
var sent = batch
SELECT sum("bytes-sent") as "sent"
FROM "mdt_db"."test6h"."Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-statsd-oper:infra-statistics/interfaces/interface/latest/generic-counters"
WHERE "interface-name" =~ /Bundle.*/ AND time > now() - 1m GROUP BY time(1s),"Producer"
.groupBy(time(1s), 'Producer')
.as('received', 'sent')
|eval(lambda: "received.received" - "sent.sent")
.info(lambda: "difference" > 100000000)
digraph total_traffic_test-2 {
graph [throughput="0.00 batches/s"];
query3 [avg_exec_time_ns="32.65558ms" batches_queried="2971" errors="0" points_queried="35449" working_cardinality="0" ];
query3 -> derivative4 [processed="2971"];
derivative4 [avg_exec_time_ns="1.07µs" errors="0" working_cardinality="6" ];
derivative4 -> join6 [processed="2971"];
query1 [avg_exec_time_ns="136.80986ms" batches_queried="2971" errors="0" points_queried="35446" working_cardinality="0" ];
query1 -> derivative2 [processed="2971"];
derivative2 [avg_exec_time_ns="2.426µs" errors="0" working_cardinality="6" ];
derivative2 -> join6 [processed="2971"];
join6 [avg_exec_time_ns="22.642µs" errors="0" working_cardinality="6" ];
join6 -> eval7 [processed="2971"];
eval7 [avg_exec_time_ns="2.369µs" errors="0" working_cardinality="6" ];
eval7 -> alert8 [processed="2971"];
alert8 [alerts_triggered="2" avg_exec_time_ns="2.667µs" crits_triggered="0" errors="0" infos_triggered="1" oks_triggered="1" warns_triggered="0" working_cardinality="6" ];
You also need to make sure your .period(1m) is equal to time period in query.
If somebody from Influx team could enhance documents about Kapacitor, it would be great.