I’m experimenting with the deadman checks in InfluxDB 2, and I was wondering about the current implementation of the deadman checks.
In Influx v1, we can use the following in a TICKscript to query with a groupby-:
var data = stream
Is there something similar in Influx v2?
My deadman checks don’t seem to trigger when one of N instances in a given query-check have gone “offline” (e.g. not submitting data for the last 60 seconds). It seems that only when the entire measurement/field hasn’t reported data will the check trigger.
I tried using the group functionality in my query when writing my check, and it still only seems to trigger when all N instances are not reporting data. My goal here is also to trigger a deadman check if any one of the N instances is not reporting data. Is there any way to create the same deadman check above using the API/UI? If not, what are the steps to set up the deadman check you’ve described above via CLI/Flux? I’ve copied the query and request body down below:
Hi, I’m trying to understand how to get deadman-check to work in Influx2 and then alert on it. When I try to create an alert I don’t have the option to use Query Builder and there is no Group By option to select in the query generator.
I put the above query by @nathaniel in the Explore window and I do see data come back to the screen but I don’t think I can set up an alert from the Explore screen. Any help/direction would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.