Confusion about query count

I am using influx db and it has been great so far. I’m just a little confused about how the query count works. Usually if i run a query it will add 1 as it should. But when running this task, it adds 7 more queries ? We will be using tasks a lot with influx DB so it is important for us to understand how this task counts as 7 queries when we are not even querying from our buckets/measurements:

import "experimental/json"
import "experimental/http"
import "array"

option task = {name: "TableTest", every: 1h}

// option task_option = {name: "TableTest", every: 1h, offset: 0m}
// djangoUrl = ""
// response =
//     http.get(
//         url: djangoUrl,
//         headers:
//             {
//                 Authorization:
//                     "JWT eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoiYWNjZXNzIiwiZXhwIjoxNjU3MzA4MjI5LCJpYXQiOjE2NTczMDA4NjcsImp0aSI6ImE1YjAzNWUyNGExMzQ3OWI5MmRhMzhlNmIwOTY5MDRmIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOjF9.K1-sy0ZKkkpm0cDqXLanSfHiRCvIeYg746ukzTi_dGE",
//             },
//     )
// responseBody = response.body
seedRow = [{_time: now()}]

// body = json.parse(data: responseBody)
array.from(rows: seedRow)
    |> map(
        fn: (r) => {
            return {r with _measurement: "battery_consumption",
                _field: "power_output",
                _value: 60,
            }//body.value instead of 60 normalement

    |> to(org: "vadimUS", bucket: "Project Test")

array.from(rows: seedRow)
    |> map(
        fn: (r) => {
            return {r with _measurement: "solar_consumption", _field: "power_output", _value: 90}
    |> to(org: "vadimUS", bucket: "Project Test")

array.from(rows: seedRow)
    |> map(
        fn: (r) => {
            return {r with _measurement: "grid_consumption", _field: "power_output", _value: 70}
    |> to(org: "vadimUS", bucket: "Project Test")

array.from(rows: seedRow)
    |> map(
        fn: (r) => {
            return {r with _measurement: "building_consumption", _field: "power_output", _value: 80}
    |> to(org: "vadimUS", bucket: "Project Test")

Is it because of the “from seed.row”?
Also another weird occurence is when I want to look at data in the ui right here:

For some reason last time I loaded data in there (1 time) it added 49 queries to the query count
Lastly, is there a way I can look at the query count without having to wait an hour between each update in the ui ? probably like a command I can run in the CLI?
Thanks a lot for your help, we really enjoy working with influx db.

This question is data-dependent, without knowing the underlying data we can’t answer this…
can you provide sample some sample data and what you expect out of them?

Here is some sample data

I just need to know if theres a way to transfer data to a bucket measurements without the query count going higher. I thought since it is a write it wouldn’t add to the query count, because when I write from python client library it in fact doesnt raise the query count. Thank you !