Cannot write to Influxdb using API over the internet

I can successfully ping using curl and can get config via api/v2/config over the internet. When I use the write endpoint, either via Curl or the Golang client library, clientside, I will sucessfully invoke these endpoints (no client side errors generated), but then using Web interface or CLI and querying for the data, it is not there. I copy/pasted the code provided in influx documentation for golang library and following examples for curl. Is this an intended feature of influx? That you cannot use the API over the internet without TLS or something?

Hello @Paul_Cote,
Can you share what’s not working for you? You should be able to use the API no problem.

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Hey thanks for reaching out, I should’ve taken this down. I actually figured out my issue. I was running a go script in a VM (Vagrant) writing to influxdb and my date&time on my VM is a week behind actual time. So when I’d query the DB for data in the last 5minutes or last hour or last 24 hours, I’d see nothing. Lol

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