I am building telegraf with instructions on README. I see no build errors with make. However there is no executable in GOPATH/bin or current directory.
Appreciate your support.
$ sudo GOPATH=/Users/dj/Documents/telegraf_prod/ GOOS=linux GOENV=amd64 make
And the output is
dep ensure -vendor-only
go build -ldflags " -X main.commit=5473872a -X main.branch=master" ./cmd/telegraf
Even, if i run the go build cmd from above, i do not see any build errors but then again the executable is missing.
$ go build -ldflags " -X main.commit=5473872a -X main.branch=master" ./cmd/telegraf
ls /Users/dj/Documents/telegraf_prod/bin/
deadcode go-outline gochecknoinits gocyclo goimports gometalinter gorename gotype interfacer misspell safesql unconvert
dupl goaddimport gocode godef golangci-lint gomodifytags goreturns guru lll nakedret staticcheck unparam
errcheck gochecknoglobals goconst gogetdoc golint gopkgs gosec ineffassign maligned revive structcheck varcheck