1 telegraf scraping multiple host

I want to scrap different host from a single telegraf,
1 linux server (hosting telegraf) and 2 snmp (each one with a different hostname) how can i do this ?

Should be doable. Docs are here

If there’s issues with identifying what came from where, telegraf has a number of post processor plugins , such as override and rename.

all the data will be collected from the linux server with telegraf.
So i want to do



This should actually be possible, here is a config snippet as a suggestion:

# other agent configs
omit_hostname = true  # "host" tag not set in the telegraf agent

  # inputs.cpu config here
    hostname = "linuxserver"

  # inputs.snmp config here
    hostname = "switch1"

  # inputs.snmp config here
    hostname = "switch2"

You could also use the name_override config parameter in your input plugins.