Tickscript for dynamic number of measurements

Sure, @Anaisdg, this is what I’ve got so far. Not sure, but there may be a better way of doing this! :slightly_smiling_face:

var idx_chg = batch
    | query('SELECT "value" FROM "change_bps" WHERE symbol="IDX"')

    | last('value')

var stk_chg = batch
    | query('SELECT "value" FROM "change_bps" WHERE symbol="S1"')

    | last('value')

    | join (stk_chg)
        .as('idx', 'stk')

    | eval(lambda: "idx.value", lamba: "stk.value")
        .as('idx_val', 'stk_val')

    | alert()
        .info(lambda: "stk_val" <= "idx_val")
        .warn(lambda: "stk_val" > "idx_val")
        .message('{{ if eq .Level "INFO" }} S1 below IDX {{ else }} S1 above IDX {{ end }}')

    | influxDBOut()

Looking at Add ability to combine a stream with itself dynamically. by nathanielc · Pull Request #693 · influxdata/kapacitor · GitHub, it does look like combine is the way to go.

I modified the script to use combine, but it’s crashing the Kapacitor and I don’t find any error in the logs.

Are there any know issues with this pipeline – query() | last() | combine()?

I’ve to use last() for the reasons discussed in Unable to join data in TICK script - #10 by rawkode – to get the correct timestamp on the generated alert.