Telegraf only writes one entry to influxdb

In your log file, I don’t see any error, therefore the data are being written as expected.

I’ve got few questions:

  1. How many points are you sending in 500ms?
  2. What’s your configured precision? (I don’t see it so by default it’s seconds)
  3. Are the gathered data all equal (except for timestamp)?
  4. Do you have the timestamp in the messages themselves? if yes can you use the timestamp coming from the data itself?

if you don’t provide a timestamp, telegraf will generate one by itself, equal for all points.
If you have points of the same series, with the same timestamp you will get an update, not an insert, I gave some suggestions about it in this post

Once you go through the questions and a bunch of replies in the linked post you should be able to understand what’s going on by yourself.
Le t me know if you need more info