Down sample data in same measurement and delete old data

I think this presentation may help you: DOWNSAMPLING DATA

I have only done with with continuous queries in InfluxDB directly. Influx has a regex syntax from Go and other shorthand to the same downsampling to all measurements in a retention policy. So in the continuous query it’s something like

CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY "cq_5min_metrics" ON t128
    SELECT LAST("value") as value
    INTO LongerData.:MEASUREMENT    <- add into "LongerDestination" retention policy with same measurement names
    FROM ShorterData./*/            <- selects all measurements in "ShorterData" retention policy
    GROUP BY time(5min),*           <- do 5 minute rollups, and "*" means keep tags

The Kapacitor documentation explains how to do this with a Kapacitor batch job: Kapacitor as a Continuous Query engine | Kapacitor 1.5 Documentation