Am using HTTPOUT node to get output of Tick Jobs. System matrix are worked fine with deadman functionality to check if Telegraf is running.
For Process status on Linux, I need to get below Output on HTTPOUT node.
CustomTag1, CustomTag2, CustomTag3,Host, Process Name, Pattern, Process Status
What I tried
- I have written stream script to get process details from procstat, and inserted in new measurement new_procstat with additional tag Process_Status
- wanted to use Deadman on same stream, to insert status for missing process as DOWN and insert details in new_procstat table with status as down
- another Tick script to read new_procstat and get desired output.
- Above mentioned first step worked fine, except Process_Status is getting inserted as Tag, instead of Field.
- Deadman is not inserting all the Tags/Fields coming from procstat. How can I insert new field “Process_Status” with Deadman not as Tag?
Help On
This is two step approach, but still fine if someone can help guiding me how to manage custom Tags/Fields with InfluxDBOut as part of DeadMan
Or, suggest me some other way to achieving desired output from procstat