The float clause is not identify

this is the nginx’s access log:
:|-|[10/Jan/2017:13:58:29 +0800]||GET /27728639_1472616368_3504720.jpeg HTTP/1.1|200|0|-|Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 5.1.1; HUAWEI P8max Build/HUAWEIDAV-703L)|-|0.001|0.001|0.000|0.001|http/1.1 cdn-cnc-gddg-dg-6 (ApacheTrafficServer/6.2.0 [cHs f ])||1484027909022684633:25397058|UjMAAFnCJfhJTJgU

this is my regular expression:


now ,the regular add the :float clause ,don’t identify the log request_time columon ,but not add the float is default string,i need convert to float or integer, please help me ,show this result’s reason ,why ?

Thank you.

@359274651 Have you tried using the %{COMMON_LOG_FORMAT} or the %{COMBINED_LOG_FORMAT} format to parse that? Its working on my nginx access logs.