I thought to avoid a table scan we need to use time ranges even if its a huge range !
Can any one from Engg please confirm how to allow simultaneous queries from diff clients which queries full data ranges and enforce real chunks like a “real” dbms does !
This query is needed to draw graphs for the full range rather than small time ranges at a time.
sample query :
select * from "E:AAPL" where time >='2016-01-01T00:00:00Z' and time <= '2017-12-30T03:00:00Z' order by time
total database size 26 GB for the POC.
This is seriously affecting our future decision about using influxdb !
Finally managed to get the data by querying in 7 day chunks.
But is unfortunately it shows influxdb is not suitable for “backltesting” or for CQG style graphing !
I am still hopeful that if we put some real tags in the data , we may be able to pull this off, right now no tags is in this “tick” data .