Parsing Tasmota smart plug json data

Good evening,
today one of the most stressful day in my IT career, 10+ hours without any kind of luck to parse json data coming from my Tasmota device. Really annoying.

The device pushes data to these topics (“tele/device/+”): LWT, INFO1, INFO2, INFO3…

I was able to retrieve STATE and SENSOR data, but only by running two inputs.mqtt_consumer plugins in the same file (not so smart in my POW).

BUT, I would like to retrieve INFO* as well and the second point opens.

As far as I know, no way to wildcard INFO* topics (because I don’t know LWT one). Right?
So how to select INFO* only topics?
Have I only the option of a broad “/tele/+/+”?

One of my hundreds failed tries, was with this code:

I got these errors in Telegraf logs:

Plus, no way to get BootCount or IPAddress.

The weird thing is that if I subscribe a single topic (e.g. tele/+/INFO1) and then I run the following code:

path = “Info1.Version”
type = “string”

I get no errors and the data populated in InfluxDB.
This is not a wanted solution.
Any smarter solutions?