Getting error: task start: cannot add child mismatched edges: mean5:stream -> join9:batch

I have data being collected in testdata db with a delay of 5 minutes. So at the current moment, there is no data and the data would be available after 5 minutes for current moment.

Now I am trying to clean up data cause there is noise and I am trying to iron out spikes, for same following is the tick script:

dbrp "testdata"."autogen"
var metric = 'liters'

var historical = stream
    .where(lambda: TRUE)

var actual = stream
    .where(lambda: TRUE)

var avg = actual|mean(metric).as('value') 
  |join(actual, avg)
.as('historical', 'actual', 'avg')
  |eval(lambda: abs("historical.liters" - "actual.liters"))
  |eval(lambda: if("diff" > 100, "historical.liters", "actual.liters"))
  |eval(lambda: float("historical.liters"))
  |eval(lambda: float("actual.liters"))

However when I run this over a replay using below:
kapacitor record query -query ‘SELECT “liters”,“wifi” FROM “testdata”.“autogen”.“overhead” WHERE time > now()-7d’ -type stream

I continuously get following error:
task start: cannot add child mismatched edges: mean5:stream -> join9:batch

Please bear in mind the data is being collected every 30 seconds. Kindly help.