Finding Source of a measurement

Hi All,
I have lot of data coming into InfluxDB from telegraf. From the past few days new measurements are being generated with weird names. The names are parts of the script in the exec plugin of telegraf.

I am trying to find whether the measurements are being created by the telegraf or some other job running on the server.

How can I find which script or which server the measurements are coming from.

Telegraf version : 1.2.0
InfluxDB version : 1.2.0

Sample telegraf conf:

commands = [“/usr/local/influxscritps/status1”]
interval = “900s”
timeout = “60s”
data_format = “influx”

dummy measurements that are being created in influxDB:

ps/status1 etc.

I have enabled logs in the telegraf but it doesn’t help . Is there a way know the source of a measurement ?

There isn’t a way to determine the plugin that generated a measurement, but it seems likely that it is being generated by this exec plugin. Is there anyway possible the script could be writing the path to stdout?

Hi @daniel , Thanks for the response.

I tested the script manually but output is consistent with the expected output. I have to check for the possibility of the script writing these only once in a while.