External connection to influx

I am currently trying to setup an external connection to influx 1.8 to use with Grafana.

This is the desired domain access point

"Influx Database Url": http://influx.domain:8086

I am trying to get http to work before setting it up securely with https

The only thing is I can’t figure out how to set influx to that path.

I tried influx -path influx.domain but it doesn’t seem to set it because it goes into the terminal and says

Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.8.10
InfluxDB shell version: 1.8.10

and my external plugin isn’t connecting to the database url

TDLR: Needing to set the database url but it isn’t working

InfluxDB 1.8 is configured using a configuration file, not flags. I believe you need to update the http.bind-address setting in your InfluxDB configuration file:

  bind-address: "influx.domain:8086"