Docs-v2 Chinese document

Hi all,

I want to translate the following Chinese documents of influxdb v1.8, but after pulling the code on githup, I found an error when starting the local server according to the instructions.

$ hugo server
Start building sites …
ERROR 2020/12/01 10:40:20 TOCSS: failed to transform “styles/styles-dark.scss” (text/x-scss): resource “scss/styles/styles-dark.scss_f4320040a399b68ce06274b21a585702” not found in file cache
ERROR 2020/12/01 10:40:20 TOCSS: failed to transform “styles/sidebar-open.scss” (text/x-scss): resource “scss/styles/sidebar-open.scss_f4320040a399b68ce06274b21a585702” not found in file cache
ERROR 2020/12/01 10:40:20 TOCSS: failed to transform “styles/sidebar-closed.scss” (text/x-scss): resource “scss/styles/sidebar-closed.scss_c9dc9c81542e3a5ddc9fcb14853c6bc7” not found in file cache
ERROR 2020/12/01 10:40:20 TOCSS: failed to transform “styles/styles-api.scss” (text/x-scss): resource “scss/styles/styles-api.scss_8ec1c3f1ece3ef0ee38d1e370b96f6a8” not found in file cache
Built in 91674 ms
Error: Error building site: TOCSS: failed to transform “styles/styles-default.scss” (text/x-scss): resource “scss/styles/styles-default.scss_c9dc9c81542e3a5ddc9fcb14853c6bc7” not found in file cache

How can I get these missing files?

Did you find the solution for this ? Even I am facing same issue.

@scott Can you please look into this? Docs issue.

Be sure to install the required Node.js dependencies outlined in the docs-v2 README. It does appear there is an issue with the latest version of postcss-cli (as of 15 Dec 2020), so you should download 8.3.0 specifically:

npm i -g npm i -g postcss-cli@8.3.0 autoprefixer

Hi @scott
I followed your way, but the following error occurred:

What version of Hugo are you using?

this is hugo version:

@jianyue Upgrading node to 14.15.2 and running npm install -D postcss postcss-cli worked for me. With the extended hugo version. Hugo Static Site Generator v0.75.0-FEF924BA/extended darwin/amd64 BuildDate: 2020-09-14T09:26:37Z

@HNash I started the project according to your version, but an error still occurred

All the above operations are performed on the windows operating system.

When I changed to ubuntu system, the project started